International online Cold-calling event

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of my company Acquiro, I ended this special year with an international event.

On December, 15 I held a 1,5 hr. online presentation/training about Cold-Calling, of which the recording is now available for sale.

Cold-calling has been and still is the core of my business at Acquiro; that’s what I love to do and what I love to give presentations and training on. All based on my own experience over the last 35+ years.

I’ve shared my experience with this, for most (sales) people, inconvenient subject by means of the cold-calling RATRACE. This acronym comprises of seven ingredients for succesful cold-calling, which I found to be of eminent importance.

Subjects covered

During this event I covered the following subjects:

  • Become more effective & have FUN
  • Preparations
  • Calling structure
  • Opening sentences

  • Timing
  • Building Rapport
  • Concentration
  • Getting an appointment booked
  • Dealing with fear of rejection
  • etc.


The recording of this presentation/training is meant for:

  • Sole proprietors
  • Sales people
  • New business developers
  • Small & medium enterprises

With their (main) target on B2B sales.


The presentation/training has been recorded, and is now available for sale. The presentation is given in English.

The recording doens NOT have subtitles.


You can sign up for receiving the recording through the use of ‘Ticketmatic’ and ‘Mollie’ for payment.

Please follow this link to proceed to getting your tickets.

Within a few days after payment you will receive the link to the Dropbox-file where you can find and view the recording. It’s also available for download.

The price for the recording is only € 15 (excl 21 % VAT). An invoice will be automatically available after payment-settlement.

Book ‘Koud bellen: Brrr…’

My book on cold-calling, called “Koud Bellen: Brrr…’ is also on-sale. In a regular bookstore this book is sold for € 17,50, is now also available for € 15 (including VAT & shipment to the Netherlands & Belgium ONLY).

Please not: the book is in Dutch, unfortunately there are no translations of it in other languages (yet).

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